People on Flying Boxes. Because I thought it would be interesting to draw.
Two Beethovens and Bert. One is a working-class Beethoven, the other a stick figure. I don't know why I drew Bert. The sign says "Retreating Waseda Tea". (Waseda being the university I was attending.) Which is basically gibberish. Maximum Economic Growth. I scribbled this while in Geography class durring winter term 2001. We were talking about globalism and the phrase "Maximum economic growth" stuck with me.
Italian Chaos. I don't care how confussed people are by this one, it is one of my favorite doodles. This was made in the same notebook as the first three super doodles. If you can't tell, that is supposed to be the Italian penninsula, Sicily, and the Adriatic sea. (The one with the apple in it.) To help, I will decipher my handwriting. Joseph Smith is riding his wagon into Italy. ("A Mormon I will go.") The Pope is in Rome pleading. ("Help Batman, save Catholicism.") While Batman has made an "Imperitive miscalculation" and sliced his foot off on the edge of Sicily. Don't ask why he is shirtless. I think I just wanted to draw a nipples. Meanwhile a random stick figure is catching Batman's leg with fishing tackle. ("Ham hocks!") And for no reason there is a guy saying "Elephant stepped on my foot!" (a song I heard in a store a few weeks prior) while balancing on a dolphin that is doing math. And yes, I know that that equation makes no sense. And lastly, the hamster in the ball that is ". . . gettin' out of Yugoslavia." rounds it all out.
Lightning and Cloud. Nothing else.
Hokkaido. I started to draw Hokkaido, and then just drew on it. Hokkaido is famous for cows.
Creature. Don't know what it is. I could call it a Sugar-Glider, but I did not know what those were back when I drew it.
Fookin' Octopus. Sure he's mean looking, but there is something about him that I like.
Spacecapades. Random space stuff, including a stock character: the turtle that says "Barf". And Superman, who is unintentionally sporting a nice paunch and looks like a muppet.
Religious Symbols in Space. That's about it. Also, the guys holding onto whatever that is at the top of the drawing are supposed to be Jesus, Mohamed (with a question mark on his face) and Buddha. I was going to add Zoroaster, but I ran out of space (pun!). Also, the Turtle that says "Barf" appears, but is too reverential to say, "Barf". And that is not a swastika. It's a Buddhist Manji.
Monty Python/Mao/Tacitus. Truly the most random of pages from my notepad. The Drawing of Mao comes from a picture I have of him on a watch, arm waving the seconds by. The Campus Crusade for Christ folks got a good kick out of his comments. The hovercraft is from Monty Python, and the German guy is a fellow classmate, Mathias, who reminded me of the hovercraft comment. Plus he likes Roman history.
Lesser-known Granimals. I started to scare myself after I drew this.
Love of Beer. My friend coplimented my detail of having the drool fall on the caption.